“Incredible Pakistani Women In Technology You Must Follow” is an unranked list of women who are actively participating in tech-focused businesses or fields. We combed through startups, tech companies, mentors, scholars, and social media to identify women who are changing the narrative around women technologists within the country and beyond.
We are revealing the complete list in a number of episodes and this is our fifth episode. Below is the list of 25 Incredible Pakistani Women, which is sorted in alphabetical order:
1. Aamna Hassan Fasihi
Twitter Bio: A computer Engg graduate from NED with a flair for writing; Digital marketer for 4 yrs, been associated with @Sukoonofficial @wondertreeco & now @NIC_Karachi
Twitter Handle: @AamnaFasihi
2. Aiman Saeed
Twitter Bio: Director Marketing @AlooClan, @WomenTechmakersAmbassador, #IamRemarkable Facilitator. Part of @demoideas @GDG_Islamabad @Erasmus_Mundus @localguides
Twitter Handle: @aimans_3
3. Amna N. Quraishi
Twitter Bio: Startup growth advisor. Marketing & Product Strategist.
Twitter Handle: @amnaque
4. Anum B Jaffry
Twitter Bio: Digital Bee | Mom Blogger | Start-up Counselor | Founder #parcelit #khushposh || Insta:: anumbjaffry
Twitter Handle: @AnumJaffry
5. Anum Tariq Khan
Twitter Bio: Engineer | Digital Marketer | Techpreneur | Business Developer | Founder/Director@HastyEngineers | Youth Parliamentarian
Twitter Handle: @AnumTariqKhan
6. Binte Arif
Twitter Bio: Ready to conquer the world as usual, but waiting for the right moment. Student of deen right now. And project manager/business process re-designer by profession
Twitter Handle: @bintearif84
7. Fatima Asad-Said
Twitter Bio: Trusting the journey as a mother, business leader, learning enthusiast by creating value in my universe
Twitter Handle: @Fasadsaid
8. Hafsa Naseem
Twitter Bio: Content Marketing Trainer | Consultant | Strategist. #Socialmedia enthusiasts, Public #speaker. #inspire for better #opportunities
Twitter Handle: @hafsajehangir2
9. Hafsa Shorish
Twitter Bio: Here to avoid Facebook, News & nature junkie. Fond of startups| product management |design |content & dark. *Hustle & ❤️ will set you apart*
Twitter Handle: @HafsaShorish
10. Hufsa Munawar
Twitter Bio: A #Digital #Marketer by Passion & Profession. Marketing Manager @codeinformatics, Ambassador @WomenTechmakers, Creative Lead @gdg_islamabad & A Traveler @ Heart
Twitter Handle: @hufsamunawar
11. Iffat Gill
Twitter Bio: Social Activist-Strategist -Founder & CEO @chunrichoupaal @codetochange
#Womenrights #digitalinclusion #genderequality #womenintech #entrepreneurship #diversity
Twitter Handle: @iffatgill
12. Khizra Zaheer
Twitter Bio: Author | Business Graduate | Startup Founder | Digital Media | Peace Lover | Trying to live
Twitter Handle: @khizra_zaheer
13. Mahwish Afridi
Twitter Bio: An entrepreneur -Director Femonics- lead project Facebook CLC-Rwp
Twitter Handle: @mahwishafridi
14. Mariam Aslam
Twitter Bio: Test Automation Engineer | Community Leader #WomeninQA #QASocietyPK | Founder #Testify | Firebase Expert | DevC Scholarship winner 2019
Twitter Handle: @maiaslam
15. Muazma Zahid
Twitter Bio: Passionate about Data and AI | D&I Advocate | Foodie
Twitter Handle: @MuazmaZahid
16. Nazish Hussain
Twitter Bio: founder of @secretstashpk – startups & yoga enthusiast. Trying to figure the rest out.
Twitter Handle: @nazishhussain
17. Nida Athar
Twitter Bio: Innovation Junkie, Aspiring cook, and Supermom…these days an accidental science communicator …. banker in the past life
Twitter Handle: @nidaathar
18. Quratulain Fatima
Twitter Bio: CoFounder @Women4PeaceTech|Alumni @WeidenfeldSchol @BlavatnikSchool @UniofOxford|Fellow @AspenNewVoices @howtobuildpeace @Worldbank|PAF Vetrn|UnCivil Servnt|Mom
Twitter Handle: @moodee_q
19. Rabab Fatima
Twitter Bio: Co-founder at Bolotech
Twitter Handle: @rababfatima212
20. Ramsha Jahangir
Twitter Bio: Journalist covering tech & society, internet rights, censorship, regulation & digital politics | data hoarder at DAWN
Twitter Handle: @ramshajahangir
21. Sahih Sheikh
Twitter Bio: Passionate technologist, Founder & CEO @solugix, Founder & CEO@RiseMom, cat lover & dress designer
Twitter Handle: @SihahW
22. Sana Khan Niazi
Twitter Bio: Entrepreneur. Actor. Comedian. and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Twitter Handle: @SanaKhNiazi
23. Shanza Khan Shahani
Twitter Bio: Co-Founder of @bolotechh
Twitter Handle: @ShanzaKhanShah
24. Sundas Khalid
Twitter Bio: Data Scientist @amazon, Lead at Pakistani Women in Computing @pwic_org. Advocate of diversity, passionate about building community and helping others grow.
Twitter Handle: @sundaskhalid6
25. Syeda Sadaf Shah
Twitter Bio: Drilling Engineer | Performance Team Leader – First female Drilling & Completion Engineer of Pakistan – First female Petroleum Engineering graduate from MUET
Twitter Handle: @Sadaf219
Also, check out amazing women in Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, and Episode 4.
This list appreciates the women technologists in Pakistan, who are using their potential in the tech industry to create a lasting impact.
In addition, women constitute a total of 49% of Pakistan’s population, where 22.4% of women are working in the workforce. This list captures very few women out of 22.4% who are most successful in their tech career. We aim to bring more women to the list by inspiring and encouraging them.
If you want to get featured in the list, send your Twitter handle to info@womenintechpk.com