Incredible Pakistani Women In Technology You Must Follow is an unranked list of women who are actively participating in tech-focused businesses or fields. We combed through startups, tech companies, mentors, scholars, and social media to identify women who are changing the narrative around women technologists within the country and beyond.

We are revealing the complete list in a number of episodes and this is our fourth episode. Below is the list of 25 Incredible Pakistani Women, which is sorted in alphabetical order:

1. Aisha Iqbal

Twitter Bio: Freelance Writer/Application Consultant.

Twitter Handle: @aish_iqbal

2. Alia Chughtai

Twitter Bio: Typographically correct at @AJEnglish, ⅕ of @ajlabs + @mica alum, former @Dawn_News @dawn_com

Twitter Handle: @AliaChughtai

3. Anum Shakeel

Twitter Bio: TMC/An Entrepreneur/Youth Activist/ Dreamer/Workaholic/Foody/ Pakistani

Twitter Handle: @AnumShakeel1

4. Asra Nadeem

Twitter Bio: Pakistani living in California. Asking a lot of questions. Building an AI-driven, non-scary future. Investing whenever I can spare some $$$.

Twitter Handle: @AsraNadeem

5. Ayesha Javed

Twitter Bio: Life of a Tester ?‍♂️ #SoftwareTester #AutomationNinja

Twitter Handle: @ayeshajaved___

6. Bushra Javed

Twitter Bio: Final year student (software engineering) | programmer | co-founder of a startup | developer.

Twitter Handle: @bushrajaved24

7. Bushra Shakil

Twitter Bio: Feminism | STEM | Philosophy | Sustainable Development

Twitter Handle: @BushraFasihi

8. Fariha Akhtar

Twitter Bio: A dreamer and a doer as well who does software engineering for bread and butter. In one word: Humanist.

Twitter Handle: @farihaak

9. Fatima Mazhar

Twitter Bio: MIT Sloan Fellow 2019, Careem Founding Member – #bezubanaurat

Twitter Handle: @fattyy23

10. Fiza Farhan

Twitter Bio: Global Development Advisor Member – UN High-Level Panel on WEE member- Chairperson Chief Minister (Ex) Punjab Task Force on WEE.

Twitter Handle: @Fiza_Farhan

11. Ifrah Waqar

Twitter Bio: SVP at @SeedoApp | Former VP at @24HOURSPK | Mommy to @GameManager | Liaison to @AkramFoundation | Founder of @MyelomaPakistan | Co-founder of @KHIBookSwap

Twitter Handle: @IfrahWaqar

12. Khadija Kiran

Twitter Bio: #CreativeKhadija is an art blog since 2010. Now sharing #fashion #food & #lifestyle. Stay connected to see more fun ideas & tutorials by Khadija #DIYBlogger

Twitter Handle: @kkCreativeMind

13. Madiha Hamid

Twitter Bio: Founder @CheflingTales -Pakistan’s local food discovery website. Digital marketing trainer and consultant. Mommy. Food tourist and @GlobalShaper

Twitter Handle: @madihamid

14. Maryam Arshad

Twitter Bio: Hakuna Maryam Matata. Founder  Founding team member  Manager 

Twitter Handle: @maryamarshadA

15. Saadia Mazhar

Twitter Bio: I am an ordinary person with some extraordinary goals in my life. An entrepreneur by profession and a social activist by passion.

Twitter Handle: @iamsaadiamazhar

16. Saima Karim

Twitter Bio: Tech volunteer, #EducationForAll #WomenInTech #SportsForLife #TeamMisbah #GilgitBaltistan Traveling & sports are another names for therapy. Follow @theskfactor

Twitter Handle: @SaimaKarim89

17. Samia Razaq Khan

Twitter Bio: UW CSE, 1st Pakistani Woman in #ICTD#FinancialInclusion #Gender, Founding CoDirector IPAL @ipal_itu, @Acumenfellow @LifeAtLUMS alumna #WomenInTech

Twitter Handle: @SamiaRazaq

18. Sidra Riaz

Twitter Bio: #Startups #Technology #FacebookDeveloperCircles

Twitter Handle: @_SidraRiaz

19. Sundus Amjad

Twitter Bio: A non-conformist who is always under the spotlight.I believe in changing lives, not appearances! A lil too INSANE for the world to handle. I make people curious!

Twitter Handle: @sundusamjad

20. Syed Aiman Batool Tirmizi

Twitter Bio:  Proud Pakistani – Software Tester – Speaker – Lives in Germany – WomenInTechPK

Twitter Handle: @tirmizi26

21. Syeda Masooma

Twitter Bio: Business Reporter @ePakistanToday, @Profitpk | Grad student @CEJatIBA | @TheLahoreSchool alumna | Teaaholic…Reader… Confused

Twitter Handle: @SRM_Sherazi

22. Umme Kulsoom

Twitter Bio: Radio wali, #Blogger, Co-founder @Taarkashi #mentalhealth advocate

Twitter Handle: @rj_kulsoom

23. Vishad Raza

Twitter Bio: Software Engineer undergrad, with hands-on knowledge of Android Application Development, WordPress and Unity.

Twitter Handle: @RazaVishad

24. Waheeda Ghani

Twitter Bio: IT Enthusiast, Mobile Application Developer #10Pearls, Mentor #TeckKaro

Twitter Handle: @idofwaheeda

25. Zahraa Saifullah

Twitter Bio: Publisher of Pakistan’s first international celeb/lifestyle mag HELLO! @hello_pak & Grazia @graziapak (your fortnightly fashion fix) Instagram @zahraasaifullah

Twitter Handle: @ZahraaSaifullah

Also, check out amazing women in Episode 1, Episode 2 and Episode 3.

This list appreciates the women technologists in Pakistan, who are using their potential in the tech industry to create a lasting impact.

In addition, women constitute a total of 49% of Pakistan’s population, where 22.4% of women are working in the workforce. This list captures very few women out of 22.4% who are most successful in their tech career. We aim to bring more women to the list by inspiring and encouraging them.

If you want to get featured in the list, send your Twitter handle to info@womenintechpk.com


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