On November 19th and 20th CodeGirls Pakistan hosted online nationwide Mobile Application Development workshops to raise awareness of digital skills training for young girls and women.
CodeGirls Pakistan is a women-focused initiative that aims to train and empower girls and women so that they can find opportunities in Pakistan’s tech industry. These workshops were the last two of a series of five workshops that CodeGirls has planned to host in partnership with Tech4Girls. This workshop series has been powered and supported by partners from the Ministry of Information Technology & Telecommunication, GSMA, ITU, W4.org, and EQUALS Her Digital Skills.
The workshops included guest speaker sessions from CodeGirls graduates and tech professionals in Pakistan’s tech industry, namely Ms. Urooj Fatima and Ms. Filza Mujtaba. Both days involved 4 hours each of intensive training and interactive learning sessions on Thunkable, focusing on introducing the participants to Mobile App Development.
In September, the first workshop had received 35 participants, who were also trained to use Thunkable. In November the number of participants increased to 89. The October session had focused on training 72 participants to use Shopify for e-Commerce tech entrepreneurship.
The objective of these Tech4Girls workshop series is to empower women in Pakistan as skilled tech workers for lucrative opportunities in the tech industry of Pakistan. To do this, partners of the Tech4Girls program primarily intend to create a safe and welcoming environment for women, that is also conducive to learning and growth.
September, October and November’s workshops gave glimpses of the opportunities a sustainable future in tech holds for Pakistan and its workforce regardless of gender barriers. The vision of the hosts, partners and the Tech4Girls program is to introduce women as leaders and role models in STEM fields all across the globe.
CodeGirls is proud of this collaboration and would be looking forward to hosting more online and blended learning programs. The boot camp has recently launched its 3rd Phase for its alumni, training them on freelancing skills. If you are interested in learning more about CodeGirls, visit their website: https://codegirls.consulnet.net/