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Fatema Sadiq

Learning a new skill can change human lives for the better. We are publishing inspirational stories of women who advanced the career ladder with the help of technology and mentorship. In this series of interviews, you will hear about CodeGirls and how it changed the perception of technology for so many women in Pakistan.

These interviews shed light on the day-to-day issues of a woman who wants to get her foot in the door and start her career in technology. The CodeGirls platform empowered these women and gave them bigger goals to bet on!

Today, we are featuring Fatema Sadiq. Read on to know more about her learning at CodeGirls as well as her professional experience.

Tell us a little about yourself, your background, your education, and your work.

I never thought that I would choose to code, out of all things! I did my graduation in BSc (pre-medical). After
graduation, I did a diploma in A.M.I (Association Montessori International) and made it my career. I started
teaching as a Montessori Directress and continued for one and a half years.
My sister was learning web development and coding from Aptech and I often felt exasperated seeing her find
minute code details and viewing page sources of different websites. It seemed like frustrating work, but she
seemed to enjoy it!
Soon, I left my teaching job and started looking for an institute to learn to code. I got to know about CodeGirls and
got enrolled. It was the best decision and I am very happy that I found the best place. I started Phase 1 at the end
of 2018 and by the end of 2019, I have got an excellent home-based job, Alhamdulillah.
I have learned two languages (Node Js and PHP—initial level) by taking Phase 2 twice. I.M.I hired me through
CodeGirls and I work with Ms. Shamim on website backends.

Who have been your strongest influences in life?

Many people who struggled with their lives, but never stopped aiming and achieved their goals. Most of
the workshop speakers were females at CodeGirls, which was a huge inspiration for me.

Why did you choose to learn to code?

I wanted to learn and acquire a skill that could help me and support me in times of need, no matter where I am. Most importantly, I wanted to be able to earn at home. I wanted my skill to be my passion too. I got to know that tech and coding had excellent value in the market and are the right skills for today and the future. These skills also provide sufficient earning to cover living expenses. Hence I opted for coding skills, and now it is my passion.

What was your experience like with CodeGirlsKarachi?

I enjoyed it! I have no words to appraise the efforts done by Ms. Shamim, Ms. Faiza, Ms. Munira, the mentors and all the sponsors for providing this program in such a secure and professional environment. We learned about computer code, and also about the code of life. 

Every time in Phase 1 when I thought of quitting and stepped out of my class, Ms. Munira’s warm greetings and motivation had changed my mind and gave me energy. I am very thankful to her, and all mentors for their untiring efforts and motivations. 

I had a perfect experience at CodeGirls, Alhamdulillah, and made good friends too. I also shared my experience with my friends and tried to encourage them to join CodeGirls. Now, I am waiting anxiously to become a part of Phase 3. 

Long Live CodeGirls! May Allah bless you all, Ameen.

What are you most proud of accomplishing?

Alhamdulillah, I would say I am thrilled to complete AMI (Association Montessori International) and in tech field Node Js from CodeGirls.

What goals have you set yourself for the next 3 years?

To reach a position and become an inspiration for other girls for joining CodeGirls. Also, reach to a level to give my part in the CodeGirls program and to be a successful freelancer and an excellent developer Insha’Allah.

What would you do differently if you had a chance?

I would have been teaching only as a Montessori Directress in the right Montessori. But since my passion changed from teaching to coding and I can work only with my passion so I would have been in continuous search of the program like CodeGirls while doing the learning.

Did getting a job changed anything for you within and outside the family? 

Yes, my family and I are pleased with my job. I feel confident that now I actually got a chance to practice what I learned and will also learn more. Before the appointment, my family and friends of CodeGirls used to ask me about the benefit of learning the two languages. Did you got hired? Got any work related to it and it was making me feel very down that when will I do the work and give my part? Then, fortunately, I got the call for the interview, gave the test and Alhamdulillah got hired and it had boost me up. I feel now I can also do something and what I learned is useful and worthy. 

You can contact Fatema Sadiq using her email address below, and please do not hesitate in hiring her for your next project.



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